Recipe for making one or more servings of homemade oatmeal. In this Oatmeal Recipe, I will use a 1/2 cup measuring cup, to make oatmeal for one person. If you prefer a smaller portion, just substitute a 1/3 or 1/4 cup. Or for serving oatmeal for a larger group, just use a 1 cup or larger, and multiply accordingly.
1/2 cup of Oatmeal (I use typical Quaker or Store brands old fashioned Oats – NOT instant)

1.5 cup (3 X 1/2 cup) water
1/2 cup milk (or 1/4 cup if you desire less milk)
1 packet sugar or low-cal sweetener (I use Truvia) OPTIONAL
2 TBLSPN maple syrup (I use no sugar syrup) OPTIONAL
Recipe Sequence
- In a small saucepan, place 1.5 cup water to boil at med high temp, if using raisins, add them at this time.
- When water boils, add the 1/2 cup oats. It is important to immediately lower temperature from medium high to median or lower temperatures to prevent over flowing if boiling too high, but still making sure it simmers at least slowly. Usually this means you will lower the temperature to somewhere between medium and low, to keep it boiling/simmering slowly.
- After about 10 minutes, the mixture will thicken. Before it thickens too much, and before 100% of water is gone, add in the milk, syrup, and sugar or sweetner, and stir the mixture.
- To speed the process, I generally partially increase the heat temporarily above medium, until small bubbles reappear, then gradually lower it until it again is between medium and low) {Your stove may require different setting!}
- After another 5-10 minutes, mixture will cook down, as mixture will get thicker. When it thickens to appropriate consistency, the oatmeal can be scooped out to an appropriate serving dish. (See Picture)
- Enjoy!!